Saturday, September 22, 2012

How to fold Austrian Imperial Napkin

How to fold Austrian Imperial Napkin Tube. Duration : 2.48 Mins.

This is how to fold the Austrian Imperial Napkin. It would look much better using a clean, starched cloth napkin but all I had was the cloth I use to cover bread dough while it's rising. Enjoy :) Update: A few people asked how I figured it out, so here's my boring explanation: There were two videos on youtube showing it from the front and back. I looked at the folds from the back view to determine how many folds were required in the front. I also drew 2 or 3 sketches from different angles (to extrapolate views that were not shown in the videos) and also did some work in my head (I can manipulate complex 3-D images in my head... not like a savant or anything, but somewhere in the middle perhaps). After studying it for about 10 minutes, I attempted it with the cloth and about another 10-20 minutes later (and maybe 5 horrific, Ripley/Alien-esque failed clones later), I arrived at the result you see in the video. So, like Cracked said: "Maybe it's less about how hard it is and more about the fact that not a lot of people seem to be aware that such a thing as a secret imperial napkin even exists."


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