Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Tiny Planets - Mirror Magic

Tiny Planets - Mirror Magic Tube. Duration : 5.18 Mins.

Experience all the fun and adventure by playing the game at www.tinyplanets.com! Educational Concept Many things are symmetrical, and you can tell by testing, touching, and folding objects to look for lines of symmetry -- the dividing line between mirror images. Tiny Planet of Stuff Bing and Bong encounter a series of half-objects: half-plate, half-spoons, half-chair, half-table. They spot what appears to be a two-headed Flocker at a table set with a plate, spoons, and a chair. On closer inspection, however, Bing and Bong realise that things aren't as they seem. They notice that there is actually half of a table next to the one Flocker, with half of a plate, and half-spoons that only seemed whole because they were set against a mirror. Remembering the half-objects they collected along the way, Bing and Bong magically fuse the two halves together to form whole functional, symmetrical objects.


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