Monday, October 29, 2012

"I Trust You" A Patrick Breeding Short: Chapter 5

"I Trust You" A Patrick Breeding Short: Chapter 5 Video Clips. Duration : 0.37 Mins.

*So Maranda has a son named Evan but he's still in Atlanta with Kelly, Evan is four months. And this is gonna pick up from them being in the mall. K, on to le story :D* Maranda's POV "Kelly where's my baby?" I asked. "You talking to your baby whatchu talking about girl?" "No, I meant my other baby nigga" "Oh, he sleep" "Oh I miss him and you" "I miss you too bae" "Okay well I gotta go find Kennedy, bye Kelly I love you kiss my baby for me" "I gotchu, love you too" He said. I slipped my phone back in my purse and went back to the food court looking for Kennedy but I didn't see her nowhere. I saw her purse though and the rest of the bags she had on the floor. The fuck? I picked them and bought them them back to the table with me as I searched for my sister. "Aye ma, you lost?" I turned around and saw this boy with big lips. "Oh no I'm good" I smiled. "You too cute to be in here by yourself" "I'm not in here by myself" I laughed. "Oh you not?" "Nah I'm here with my sister" "You think your sister will mind if I steal you for a sec?" "Nah but my man will." "Your man huh?" "Yes my man" "He here right now?" "He with my son" "You got a son too?" "Mmhm" I said folding my arms. "Damn.. well what they know won't-" "Honey look, I'm a grown ass woman and you look like you're about my sisters age, sorry but its just not going down" "Aight then shawty" He smiled and walked away. Hmm I wonder if Kennedy will like him, seeing as she and her boo broke up. Maybe I should talk to him and get ...


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